Documentary about Sex Doll Brothels
2022-10-07 07:08:19

Before you know it, sex doll brothels have grown and have even been endorsed by some governments. According to foreign media reports, this week, the Paris city council rejected a motion to close Xdolls. Xdolls is a shop that provides customers with sex doll sex services, customers can enjoy 1 hour of service for 89 euros. This sex doll brothel was the first to appear in France, but in fact it has been in stores like Japan and Germany for many years, even to the stage of flourishing.However, many opponents believe that this kind of behavior is tantamount to bringing brothels back into people's lives. Organizations such as the French Feminist Group are concerned about the violence against women that the rise of the service could spark.

1. There are essential differences between sex doll brothels and ordinary prostitution.

After a sex doll brothel opened in France, opponents who wanted it closed argued that law enforcement should treat such an establishment as a brothel because brothels are illegal in France, but police visited the sex doll brothel and found nothing any illegal act. Paris police said it was not a prostitution site and that it was not a crime but a moral issue. The police added that the company had not caused panic among the public and had not received any complaints from nearby residents.

It is understood that the customers of the sex doll brothel all place an order online to choose their favorite sex doll, and then they will be taken to a private bedroom when they experience it. The person in charge of the sex doll brothel said that all the dolls are made in China and are cleaned and disinfected before and after each use.

The head of the sex doll brothel told the outlet that most of the clients were between the ages of 30 and 50, although sometimes couples came together. To that end, Xdolls has pre-ordered male love dolls. Many users of sex dolls say that sex dolls change their lives. "It makes you feel good. You can put your hand on her shoulder, you can flirt with her in bed, which is what I like. I used to feel lonely but not anymore."Sex dolls are just a tool for people to improve their sexual experience, so they are fundamentally different from current women, so they are not illegal in the law, and now people's opposition to sex doll brothels is actually more of some Subjective conjectures or conjectures have not been confirmed.

2.Who are the clients of the sex doll brothel

One comment on an online sex forum gave sex doll Anna a perfect 10. The user described his "very hot new experience" sexually with the doll. The only thing he regrets is that the doll weighs 30kg and he struggles to get her to change positions. The majority of those willing to come to sex doll brothels are those who have full possession of sex. People can be selfish enough to ignore the doll's feelings at all, which is one of the biggest advantages of having sex with a doll.70% of customers are repeat customers. The men were of mixed backgrounds, young and old, rich and poor, "just like in other brothels". Others wanted to try the new experience, and others who had never had sex with anyone else came here. One of the most basic requirements is that customers must be at least 18 years old.
The person in charge of a sex doll brothel said that many of the people who come here have social barriers and are unable to interact with people normally. Still others even developed an emotional attachment to the dolls. Some customers come every week, "Obviously, they prefer dolls to real women. Some start to develop feelings for (a particular) doll and go for that doll every time. When that doll eventually breaks one day At times, they are sad." Many people with dangerous sexual fantasies are better off having sex with a sex doll to avoid him being violent to a real woman.The development of sex dolls is very rapid. There are dozens in Japan, a newly opened one in Barcelona, and a sex doll "escort service" in Berlin that rents and sells sex dolls. As technology advances, brothels may also one day feature artificially intelligent sex dolls.

3. Sex doll brothels raise concerns among some ethicists

According to a study by the Foundation for Responsible Robotics, "there are current signs that social acceptance of sex dolls is increasing, which could pave the way for sex doll brothels". Some sex doll professors who study the ethics of artificial intelligence have launched a campaign against sex doll brothels. They point out that many sex dolls look like children and that violence against sex dolls has the symbolic meaning of violence against people, which is unacceptable and may present other problems. Sex dolls may aggravate people's numbness to sexual abuse. The degree of damage to the sex dolls in the sex doll brothel shows that many of the sex dolls have had their genitals damaged and cracked. Each sex doll has a lifespan of only six months.

But it is undeniable that the emergence of sex doll brothels may be an opportunity for the liberation of sex workers, but it has also promoted social equality and progress. Moreover, it contributes to the protection of people's health by isolating the infection of sexually transmitted diseases, so that those who have quirks have a place to express their strange hobbies without endangering the society.What we can do now is to look at the development of sex doll brothels objectively. After all, a new thing must be verified for a period of time before we can finally see the degree of its contribution to society.