Should We Ban the Development of Sex Dolls into Sex Robots
2022-10-26 05:21:35

Artificial intelligence sex dolls are booming, and some people believe that the continuous fusion of sex dolls and the artificial intelligence industry may bring sinister social consequences. So before the development of artificial intelligence sex dolls on the market, we can consider whether we should organize the integration of artificial intelligence and sex dolls.This article takes you through a unique perspective on how we should look at the development of sex doll robots. An article about sex robots satisfying men's rape fantasies has sparked public backlash and controversy over the development of sex robots. The sex robot she was programmed to resist sexual advances and allow men to perform rape fantasies.This sparked condemnation from many feminist activists. This sex doll robot is described as a sex robot that can rape for $9,995. Lawyer Kate Parker has called for sex robots like these to be criminalized. The sophistication of the technology behind it marks a step forward in robotics. For human society, this is an undoubted step backward. There is a sense of disrespect and disrespect for women. But such a sex robot hasn't been made, and it's just a publicity stunt by many entertainment clubs. But it does spark a lot of people's thinking about the development of sex dolls and artificial intelligence.But while such sex dolls haven't been made yet, sex dolls like this one will appear soon.

1. Sex dolls with AI traits will appear soon

The simple sex robots provided by China and Japan may still have a big gap than imagined sex dolls at present, but in fact, such sex robots have a lot in common, such as talking and moaning, and can be heated, but they will be released as soon as possible. There are commercial pressures for complex models with AI. With two-thirds of heterosexual men saying they could imagine buying a sex robot for themselves, the anticipation of a sex robot is making the fantasy a reality. But before sex robots hit the market, we have plenty of room to ask them if they should.The problem with sex robots isn't just hypothetical sex robots programmed to be "resistant", it's how their presence will affect how humans interact with each other. Especially the way men and women get along, which is also the focus of many feminists.Sex robots are different from sex dolls and sex toys because they have artificial intelligence. A sex robot isn't just a toy to get you to orgasm, it's designed to be a substitute partner: a vibrator won't laugh at your jokes and remember your birthday, but a sex robot can. But once sex robots have some intelligence, how will men choose to buy these sex dolls, how will they interact with real women who are inconvenienced by having their own idiosyncrasies and free will? If a man has become numb to a sexual relationship by having a sex robot, then having sex with a real woman, are you more likely to expect complete dominance in your relationships with other humans? A generation growing up where sex robots are commonplace may see cruelty and selfish sex as both desirable and achievable.

2. Is it normal to have only one person’s sexual pleasure during sex

Sex robots exist purely to satisfy their owners. Is any sexual relationship healthy if it's only about one's happiness? Can sex with a robot be consensual? It's not about robot rights - it's about human society becoming normal sex if we start having sex with robots. Once a sex robot has some kind of intelligence, she will become different from traditional sex toys. Maybe we should consider whether she is willing or not when making love with this kind of sex robot. It is no longer a one-sided sex act. Child sex dolls are banned in the UK over fears they will encourage paedophiles' desire for abuse rather than simply satisfy it. While we may be able to prevent them from being imported or manufactured here, we cannot prevent them from being developed overseas. Perhaps the most important question to ask is why there is a market for sex robots in the first place. Why do some people find the idea of a partner without autonomy so appealing? Until we find out, we need to prepare for the inevitable rise of sex robots.

3. From the current point of view, the development of sex robots has become an inevitable trend

Considering the current development trend, our attitude towards the development of sex robots should be a wait-and-see attitude. What we should explore more is how our laws should be regulated after the emergence of sex robots. Otherwise, people who grow up under the abnormal concept of sex robots will think that cruel and selfish sexual relationships are normal, and they will become indifferent and no longer value women.This goes against our advocacy of normal and healthy relationships between the sexes. We are not blindly opposed to sex robots, but more attention should be paid to the attitudes of men and women.So why does no one seem interested in designing sex robots specifically for women? Robotic sex is imagined as a primarily male pursuit, so much so that when we hear the term "sex robot," many people might imagine a heterosexual man having sex with a female robot. A much-discussed 2016 study found that 40 percent of 263 heterosexual men surveyed would consider buying a sex robot—but researchers don't seem to be asking a single woman the same question.But while expectations for sex robots have remained relatively stable for decades, that has not been the case with women's sex lives. Much of what was historically considered straight male sexuality is no longer the case—especially in sex and sex toys. The use and popularity of sex toys among women has increased significantly. Women have long since changed their quest for perfect sex. So why can't our perceptions and attitudes to sex robots change at the same time?Respecting women starts with respecting women’s opinions, and the sex industry is no longer the one dominated by men it once was.